Announcing Intimacies: Secrets of Love, Sex & Romance, a book by Karen Kreps

Cover of Intimacies: Secrets of Love, Sex & Romance.For more than five years, I’ve been writing a column called “Intimacies” for The Good Life magazine. It’s all about how to have successful, stimulating relationships.

I’m thrilled to announce the publication of a collection of the best of “Intimacies,” the book Intimacies: Secrets of Love, Sex & Romance.

In conjunction with writing the column since 2002, I’ve also hosted public monthly meetings that the magazine sponsored at BookPeople, the state’s leading independent bookstore (named by Publisher’s Weekly as Bookstore of the Year in 2005). The purpose of the group was to build community by bringing readers together to talk about “Intimacies” face-to-face. The Intimacies Conversation Group, which was promoted by both the magazine and the bookstore, usually attracted between twenty and forty people, singles and couples, first-timers and returnees, with a fairly even mix of men and women, ages eighteen to eighty. For each meeting, I would plan a topic and invite a special guest—such as a psychologist, marriage counselor or certified sex therapist—to lend expertise. People came to ask questions, share advice and stories and exchange laughter. For many of us, it provided a rare opportunity to talk honestly and openly with our peers about adult topics that are important.

Attendance was and still is free; audience members are asked only to come with an open mind and a sense of humor. While these meetings continue to occur in Austin, Texas, with the publication of this book and advances in Internet technology, you can now participate from wherever you are in similar discussions of love, sex and romance. Just post comments, questions and links to this blog. (All comments are moderated.) In future, I hope to line up special online guests and have subject-specific online discussions.

I’ll also announce who will be my special guest at the Austin events and what we’ll be talking about and what gems of wisdom come out of the group. Stay tuned. I look forward to sharing Intimacies with you.

Texas Book Festival, Nov 3-4, to launch the book

The book, Intimacies: Secrets of Love, Sex & Romance will be released at the Texas Book Festival. I will be sharing a booth in the exhibit area on Colorado street. Come to the State Capital Building, booth #218 (the exhibit tent is on corner of Colorado and the Capital Driveway, to your left as you leave the Capital building). The show is open 9am-5pm on Sat. Nov 3 and 11 am-5pm on Sunday Nov 4.

Look for my banner with the title, posters of the book cover, and an original sculpture that is featured in the book. Please stop by and introduce yourself!


Click map for larger image (the larger map won’t show my location in booth 218)