Karen Rayne PhD on Adolescent sexuality in the news.

I expect to see a lot more of Karen Rayne, being quoted as an expert,, in the news soon. This is from her blog of Karen Rayne:

Adolescent sexuality has loomed large in the news this last week, with the announcement of rabid-anti-comprehensive-sex-education Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin as the Republican VP nominee.  The disconnect between Governor Palin’s political perspective on sex education and her teenage daughter, who is five months pregnant, has added substantial depth to the media coverage of comprehensive sex education.  I have felt renewed excitement about offering comprehensive sex education to more teenagers as the Republicans have stated their support of Bristol Palin, her boyfriend, and her family.

Dr. Karen Rayne presents a four-session class for parents on how to talk with children and teenagers more easily and effectively about issues of sex and sexuality.

Topics include: What teenagers need to know about sex and sexuality and how you can help teach them that knowledge and those skills.  Common assumptions about adolescent sexuality and what’s right and wrong.  How to push past non-communicative teenagers and how to best support the talkative teenagers.

Dates: September 21st and 28th and October 5th and 12th
Times: Sundays, 3:30 – 5:00
Place: Oak Hill (South Austin)
Cost: $175/individual, $300/couple

If you have questions or would like more information, please do not hesitate to contact her through her website and blog (http://www.karenrayne.com ).

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