My Gift to You–a FREE eBook

Hello. I hope  you show your love boldly. Please accept as my gift to you a copy of my FREE ebook.

To request a copy please use the special-offer form on All I ask is that you simply answer the one question on that form and let me send you—not a dozen roses, but “A Dozen Choice Intimacies,” a 38-page eBook, a special collection of twelve essays I’ve written on Intimacies. You’re welcome to share them with anyone you like—or anyone you love.

1.     Ditch Mr. Lonely, you deserve a love that’s better
2.     Meeting eye to eye may seen as invitation to romance
3.     Massage can enhance love if you let your heart be touched
4.     Why do people want to have sex? For reasons varied and complex
5.     How to learn to be a lover? Experiment and communicate
6.     Friends with benefits—just the perks without the ties
7.     It’s a shame, shame, shame how we feel shame about sex
8.     Why eat an apple a day, when sex may keep the doctor away?
9.     Overcome complacency, revolutionize your sexual outlook
10.   Whose duty is it to do what when sexual desire dims?
11.   The mysteries of age meet the mysteries of sexuality’
12.   Singles or doubles, it’s good just to be in the game

The first one, “Ditch Mr. Lonely, you deserve a love that’s better,” has never before been published. It was written for the February 2009  issue of the The Good Life magazine, which never made it to press.

To receive this free farewell gift, please tell me: What is your Number One question about relationships?

I will add you to my new email list to keep you posted about future events and Intimacies-related news. Of course, you can opt out at anytime.

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Between these covers, find secrets to great relationships! Buy the book now and learn about love.

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